Pack Ciné HR2

10 packs  buy = discount 10€
20 packs buy = discount  20€

HR2 Pack Cine

Color Reversal Film

Reversal film color artificial light.

Compatible with any Super 8 or Super Duper 8 camera.

Film suitable for people who seek a film with grain in order to differentiate from video.

This PACK CINE HR2 carries the film’s development and home delivery.

Video test, ici

mpg file 50mo

 Shooting conditions :

- Outdoor : sunny or cloudy weather (with the film incorporated in your camera)
Detected speed : 100 ASA

- Indoor : recommended with the use of a movie light. Detected speed : 160 ASA

Development :

The film must be dropped off at the shop in Lille or sent to the following address:

SUPER8FRANCE 60 rue Saint André 59000 LILLE FRANCE.

The development voucher shall be enclosed.

Since this is a new offer, development will take 3 weeks. This initial time is necessary for the development line to be beneficial.

What for?:

Thanks to its specific texture, this film is particularly popular for experimental cinema, art cinema…
