Film & processing (International)

Here, you can find new Super 8 films !

2 pages


Pack Vacances n°1


Le film Super 8 Kahl UT18 + le développement + le transfert sur DVD + l'expédition à votre domicile
===>Commandez le maintenant !

Offre limitée, disponible uniquement les mois de Juillet, Août et  jusqu'au 20 Septembre à Prix réduit

Transfert au choix : DVD Video, fichier avi dv sur un DVD, mpeg 2 HD sur DVD, AVCHD/H264 sur DVD

 Vous avez jusqu'au 30 septembre pour envoyer votre film à SUPER8FRANCE

Holidays Pack


Le film Super 8 Ektachrome 64T + le développement + le transfert sur DVD + l'expédition à votre domicile

===>Commandez le maintenant !

Offre limitée, disponible uniquement les mois de Juillet, Août et jusqu'au 20 Septembre à Prix réduit

Transfert au choix : DVD Video, fichier avi dv sur un DVD, mpeg 2 HD sur DVD, AVCHD/H264 sur DVD

 Vous avez jusqu'au 30 septembre pour envoyer votre film à SUPER8FRANCE

HR2 Pack Cine

Pack Ciné HR2

10 packs  buy = discount 10€
20 packs buy = discount  20€

Color Reversal Film

Reversal film color artificial light.

Compatible with any Super 8 or Super Duper 8 camera.

Film suitable for people who seek a film with grain in order to differentiate from video.

This PACK CINE HR2 carries the film’s development and home delivery.

Video test, ici

mpg file 50mo

HR2 Pack Cine

Prix réduit

10 packs  buy = discount 10€
20 packs buy = discount  20€

Color Reversal Film

Reversal film color artificial light.

Compatible with any Super 8 or Super Duper 8 camera.

Film suitable for people who seek a film with grain in order to differentiate from video.

This PACK CINE HR2 carries the film’s development and home delivery.

Video test, ici

mpg file 50mo

HR2 Pack Cine

Prix réduit

10 packs  buy = discount 10€
20 packs buy = discount  20€

Color Reversal Film

Reversal film color artificial light.

Compatible with any Super 8 or Super Duper 8 camera.

Film suitable for people who seek a film with grain in order to differentiate from video.

This PACK CINE HR2 carries the film’s development and home delivery.

Video test, ici

mpg file 50mo


Buy 10 films = 10% rebate

Color Reversal Film

Compatible with all Super 8 cameras !

This offer includes :

- Film and quick developing
- shipping
- Daylight 40 ASA (non filter position)
- Fine grain
- Natural Colors
- Extremely good for the Telecinema


Video here
(fichier m2v - 53mo)


New 2008 
Buy 10 films = 10% rebate

Color Reversal Film

Very good quality !

This offer includes :

- Film and quick developing
- Shipping
- Daylight 100 ASA (non filter position)
- Very Fine grain
- Very beautiful colors
- Extremely good for the Telecinema


Video here
(fichier H264/mpeg4 )

Ektachrome 64T


Color Reversal Tungsten Film 

64 ISO Tungsten without filter
50 ISO with Wratten 81 A filter
40 ISO with built-in camera filter (daylight use)
40 ISO daylight (with Wratten 85B filter)
Color reversal Film
Processing not included.
E6 process may be done in specialized laboratories.

Ektachrome 64T Processing Coupon

The developing of one cartridge + shipping your developed film within 2 weeks.
Professional quality developing



Black & White Reversal Film

Compatible with all Super 8 cameras

160 ISO Tungsten
200 ISO Daylight
 B & W Reversal Film
Developing not included may be done in specialized laboratories
Ideal for art film or aesthetics

Very nice shades of gray.

Tri-X Processing Coupon


The developing of one cartridge + shipping your developed film within 2 weeks.

Profesionnal quality developing

KODACHROME 40 Processing Coupon

The developing of one cartridge + shipping your developed film within 2 weeks.

 Professional quality developing

  • Order a processing coupon
  • Receive your coupon at home and fill it in with your name ans adress,
  • Send your film and the coupon to the laboratory (adress on the coupon).
  • Your film is sent directly to you, that's it !